
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Royal Rumble In Ibru Family As…. Maiden Ibru Tears Goodie Ibru Apart … Says “He Mismanaged Ikeja Hotels”

It is a statement of fact that no institution functions smoothly if there is disunity among its members; it is also true that disagreements do not cause disunity, a lack of forgiveness does. For the Ibru family, things are falling apart and the center cannot hold again for them.  It is becoming clearer that someone is unwilling to forgive the other and as such, it remains no longer at ease with the family.
Many people thought it was mere ruimour when it broke out then that the supposed united Ibru’s family are at each other’s jugular; but it became reality when Goodie Ibru was shown the exit door as the chairman of Ikeja Hotels in a shocking management coup that was believed to be championed by Lady Maiden Ibru. The issue has been on for some time now and its been dragging with the judiciary being busy with it.

Just when people thought they've heard enough of the crisis, Maiden decided to tear Goodie apart with a revealing advertorial. In her statement, she claim that Sometime in June 2011, her then ailing husband discovered several acts of mismanagement of the company and financial misconduct of an embarrassingly large magnitude by Goodie Ibru. Maiden’s husband Alex then promptly requested that Goodie Ibru to resign as Chairman. At that time, Goodie Ibru had been Chairman of the company for over 27 years. She stated further that even though her husband's investment companies owned shares in lkeja Hotel Plc amounting to four times the value of shares that Goodie Ibru owned in the company, they never question him until the discoveries were made.
 Goodie Ibru instead of resigning, was said to have declared war on the then severely ailing husband to the extent
that he refused the first son Toke, to act as the husband's
alternate on the Board of a sister company, Capital Hotels
PIc (Sheraton Abuja annex 1) and promptly walked him
out of the said board meeting to the embarrassment of
all who attended, while simultaneously sacking his brother-in-Law who was also representing Alex Ibru’s interest from the board.
The advertorial reads:  My husband was so pained by these and other acts of Mr.
Goodie Ibru, brutally directed against his interests in
these companies, especially at a time when he was terminally ill, that not wanting any further relationship with
Goodie, he promptly called in his loans to Mr. Goodie Ibru
[as a person] and the companies of which he was
Chairman, removed him as executor of his estate and
barred him and some of his other siblings who he had
also discovered were actively in cahoots with Goodie Jbru,
from having anything to do with his funeral. [See Annex.

He also instructed that we commence the process of seeking redress for Goodie's wrongs to him, the companies and the wider interest of other shareholders, whereupon we did write a petition to the EFCC to investigate the management of JKEJA HOTEL PLC and identify the problems and the offenders, as we are not willing to be answerable for any of the financial or other misconducts of Mr. Goodie Ibru against the interest of the investing public, under a mistaken public perception that his acts are also our acts as members of the Ibru family. It is certainly not in the interest of the wider Ibru family to be seen as a family that appropriates what belongs to others!

Since being aware of our discoveries, Goodie Ibru has simply made all efforts to conceal them from the public, under
the guise of the matter being a family matter, and has to
the bewilderment of the EFCC, attempted to frustrate
since 2013 their investigation by saying that the family is
settling the matter.

Tm resolutions which were passed in the EGM of January
6 2015 were mainly those authorizing the appointment
of auditors to conduct a forensic audit on the management of the company and the procurement of the company's shares? Why should these basic resolutions trouble Mr. Goodie lbru so much, to the desperate extent that: He had tried to frustrate the holding of the EGM on the excuse that his sisters had merely filed a petition seekingto stop the EGM -an approach rejected by members of the board of directors who held majority shares, but in spite of which he yet wrote to us seeking to abort the EGM. He had having failed to get the Board of Directors to support his attempt to frustrate the holding of the EGM, yet instructed the Secretary of the company [and registrars of the company] not to attend the EGM. He had pretended, and continues to pretend, as if he is
unaware that we had obtained and served on the company, an order of the Federal High Court on the 16tn of December 2014 (before his sisters own purported injunction was obtained], declaring that the EGM was validly requisitioned and ordering the secretary and registrars of the company to attend the meeting? l see Annex. 3]He had caused his sisters to file two r 2 J suits in Lagos seeking an injunction, only to, during the pendency of these applications, sneaks to an Abuja Federal High Court(even though his sisters and 7 out of 9 respondents  live and operate from Lagos) to obtain exparte injunction restraining the EGM, which requisitioned the EGM up till now. I challenge him to publish any proof of service on us.

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