
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

After Many Denials; Friends Confirm That REMI ALUKO Is TOTALLY BLIND …Why He Shields It From The Public

Sometime in 2013, the rumour was all over the town that fuji crooner, Remi Aluko has gone partially blind due to an alleged torture he received from the police some years ago when he was in their custody for being in possession of a stolen BlackBerry phone taken from a murdered person.
As soon as it became saturated, the fuji music star came out to douse the fear that he has lost his sight; he even went on YouTube to announce to the world that his sight remains his friend.
Surprisingly, two years after the great denial, it has now been confirmed by a close family source that Remi Aluko has gone totally blind. The source who pleaded anonymity, informed City Rovers that the reason he decided to spill the beans is because he felt the well-loved artiste can still be helped by concerned Nigerians who are not in the know about his present predicament.

To this family source, Remi Aluko has not been sincere to himself and should he continue the way he is going, there is no how he won’t get to the point of no return. “Remi Aluko cannot see anything; not even faintly as he makes people to believe”, the source averred.
According to investigation carried out by City Rovers, the fuji crooner is doing everything to shield the glaring fact from the public. That is why he hardly steps out without his aides at his tail; what they do most times is to guide him into any place they are going. And whenever they get to events, they will leave him until it’s time again for them to leave. However, there is no time they’ll leave him even when they are in any place.
Many times when he decides to visit any where aside events, the aides will still make sure they stay beside him on both sides to guide his movement. And if he sees anyone, he’ll listen to voice and he’ll bring out his hand for handshake. The handshake will never be extended past his belly so that he won’t miss hands. This happened to this reporter who was on a fact-finding mission to the talented artiste.
It is a fact that Remi Aluko has spent a fortune and had visited India to meet experts to correct the bad sight but we gathered he is responsible for the negative effect of the medical trip he embarked on to that Asian country when he decided to remove the bandage on his eyes on his return to Nigeria. To Remi Aluko, we were told that he did that to avoid fans who would be asking him questions on arrival in Lagos.
This, we gathered further affected the surgery he went for and has kept him in permanent darkness.
Most of his colleagues in the fuji world believe the lie that he can see. That is why none of them has come to his aid till date.
Remi Aluko is well loved by fuji fans because of his unique style that appeals more to many youths in the hood. He also has the credit of acting in a movie, SABABI in 2005. He has also done several collaborations with hip-hop artistes that have further sold his brand to the world

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