
Wednesday, September 2, 2015


(found this interesting from the stable of E24-7) read on
Islamic singer, Monsurat ‘Omoge has accused popular herbal medicine manufacturer, Fatai Yussuf aka Oko Oloyun of requesting S*X for favour and threatening to withdraw his surety from a court of law following her scuffle with a colleague that resulted into death.
Monsurat, a student of DS Adegbenro ICT Polytechnic, Itori, Ogun State in an interview with E24-7MAGAZINE narrated her ordeal that sometime in March 17, 2015, she had related the dream she had to her female friends in her hostel that she slapped her male friend and colleague, Moses Eric, who in retaliation came to her room with some cult members and beat her up. Unknown to her, Moses’ girlfriend in the room had informed him of her dream. In annoyance, Moses stormed Monsurat’s room and started beating her up for her dream.

“I wouldn’t know what his girlfriend told him. I was in my wrapper and a bum short when he was at the door of my room asking me what manner of dream did I have that I slapped him. I asked him if he was accusing me of having a dream? I was just laughing at him but in a split second, he hit me, slapped me and I fell down. So while I was trying to wear my jean trouser, he had gone out to get a sword and started threatening me.

I went inside my room to pick my phone and while trying to lock the door of my room, he went to my kitchen cabinet to pick a knife and I pushed him while struggling to stop him from attacking me, I think it was in the middle of that the knife pierced him, and I was surprised to see BLO*D on his shirt. I ran away from my room, yet he was pursuing me and BLO*D was dripping from the injury he sustained. It was while running after me that he lost consciousness, fell down and died. Honestly, I cannot believe this happened between Moses and I. We were very close and our friendship is known to all, including his girlfriend and his parents who I will be eternally grateful to for their no case stand against me.

While in the police custody in Eleweran for one month, Monsurat said her parents must have contacted Alhaji Yussuf who, according to her had always wanted to date her for fun.
“Alhaji Yussuf came in the company of my mother to the Police Station in Eleweran, Abeokuta. My mom told me he had come with a lawyer to defend me, that he will be my surety, ensure my bail from the detention and that I must marry him. He actually did as my mother said and I really appreciate his efforts but the request to date him was surprising to me. I know he has always wanted to date me immediately he chose to be my executive producer. He did not hide it and I have evidence to prove all these from the various conversations he had with me. Surprisingly, my dad joined my mom to say it was an order and not my choice that I should marry him. They wanted me to vow that I would marry him but unknown to them, I have been in a relationship and already pregnant before the ugly incident.”

Eventually, Monsurat appeared in court and was released on bail. Oko Oloyun had booked a hotel for her in Egbeda area, drew her closer, and had photo opportunity in the presence of his close allies like Timothy Agboola, (Erekenisobu), a popular comedian.
“That same night, I was with him in his car; he drove me to the hotel and demanded S*X from me. I asked him ‘just like that?’ I told him that it was not possible. Imagine the same night I was released from detention and you wanted to have S*X with me? Besides I’m pregnant.

“I told him even if we had been dating, is tonight appropriate for such having spent a month in police detention at Eleweran and three weeks in Ibara Prisons? Could you have imagined I’m your wife, would you subject me to such S**UAL ordeal the same night? That moment, he drove off and let me be. You see, the interesting thing is he is not interested in marrying me, all he wants is S*X because as soon as he left, he called my parents and told them what happened. He advised them to tell me that I should in my own interest check out from the hotel before noon the following day. I did anyway.”
Oko Oloyun, Monsurat recalled, had been on her trail for long. The irony in his moves is that he is not interested in marrying me, all he wants is S*X and I have told him no. I was surprised to see him at the police station, get me a lawyer and stood as my surety because about eight months before the ugly incident, we have not set eyes on each other, let alone talk. He has been of great assistance to my parents; he relocated my mum and gave her business a boost, so I’m not surprised that my mother wanted me to marry him but I know he has no genuine plans to marry me. I will not deny the fact that he has been very helpful and supportive, but his reason for doing all these is to have S*X with me. You can ask him if I have not told him to go and bring his wife, his mother and father and demand for my hands in marriage from my parents. He did not but will always ask me to come and meet him in this or that hotel.”
Her refusal, she claimed, has not only angered him, he has been sharing her plight with some journalists causing the March 17, 2015 incident to be published in a section of the media. “You can imagine the incident that happened five months ago now finding its way into the press with reports that I plan to run away, that I’m no where to be found. All these are false. I’m here in Lagos, Police have not declared me wanted neither have they called me and I did not respond.”
Her plea, “Oko Oloyun has done well for me on the matter, done more for assisting my parents but I insist that I have the right to choose who to marry. Since my refusal to date him, my mother abandoned me in school; she was no longer paying my school fees, she was not paying my hostel fees though Oko Oloyun offered to take the bills up but I said no.

“Please I’m begging him not to use my plight to exploit me. He has not only threatened to withdraw his surety, he said the lawyer he hired would withdraw his services and I would be taken back to the prison. I’m appealing to Oko Oloyun like many people I have sent to him to please let me be. If I were to serve two Gods, I would have taken him as my second God. I even offered to release an album for him for all he has done. But if God says yes, nobody can say no. If he withdraws his surety, what will happen will happen, if he does not, what will not happen will not happen.”
To the Police authorities, she said: “I’m available for any interrogation or appearance in court when due or on request. I have been told Chairman( Oko Oloyun) is panicking that I’m on the run. It is not true that I’m running away from justice. Nobody has ever called me and I refused to pick their calls. Since this unfortunate incident happened, my life has been stuck, my music career stopped and I cannot continue my studies. I have been called many names in the media.”
Asked why she is not living with her parents, she said: “That’s a good question. I was living with my mother before the incident, but she decided not to take me back home. She said the case is known to everybody in the community and she advised I should go and stay with my dad. My dad too declined. His excuse was his new wife. So, you can imagine my plight.”
Reacting to the various allegations, Alhaji Yussuf Oko Oloyun said he has done enough for Monsurat and it would not be out of place for her to accede to any of his demands. Her failure to do as expected is the cause of his action.
“Can you imagine someone I hired to shoot a musical video for her, an ordinary cameraman, Dare Saka, is the one she’s claiming got her pregnant. Is that not a betrayal? I have been asked several times by people why am I doing all these favours for this girl? Even the parents are surprised. But that is me, I even have more beautiful girlfriends. Where was Dare Saka when she was in prison? Why didn’t he send money to secure her bail or send the money through a third party if he’s afraid of the police? I intervened in so many ways, settled the parents, hired a lawyer, stood as a surety, parted with a generator and other gifts, all for her sake. I will only advise her to go and get her lawyer and a new surety. I have tried enough.”

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