
Thursday, November 17, 2016


The Nigerian Association of Online Publishers has called on the Minister of Petroleum Resources President Muhammadu Buhari and the Board of the NNPC which is headed by the Minister of State For Petroleum Resources Dr. Ibe Kachikwu, to quickly review the recent movement of management personnel in the organization because it contains very palpable cases of vendetta and injustice. in a press release signed by its National President and Secretary and made available to newsmen in Abuja, the association made particular reference to the NNPC spokesperson Mallam Garba deen Muhammad who was given an ambiguous posting that leaves him in limbo.
Until the recent postings Muhammed is the Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs of the NNPC; but in a very curios action he was moved to the position of "general manager communication and strategy" while still retaining his GGM position. the organization said this is enough to destabilize anyone and kill their morale.

The online publishers also queried the rush with which the gmd went about the posting. they observe that if baru's motives were sincere and in the interest of the corporation he would have waited another couple of days when the nnpc board would be inaugurated and then run the process through the board. that way he would have avoided the suspicion and errors that normally accompany a one man know-all decision. but as it were, baru cannot defend himself against the accusation of carrying out a personal vendetta against his perceived enemies. it is very possible, says the online publishers, that muhammed who joined the nnpc only about six months ago is a victim of hate and vendetta by baru who has never hiden his disdain for so called outsiders joining the nnpc.
"this attitude is particularly dangerous when the case of mr. garbadeen is examined. the online body of publishers said that garbadeen was invited by the minister of state for petroleum dr. kachikwu who was then doubling as gmd, to come and serve his country. garbadeen, accepted to serve out of a sence of national duty. "garbadeen left a flourishing media practice, a respectable job as editor at large with the sun newspapers, a popular and respected colunists and at the time the prestigious position of the president of the nigerian guild of editors (nge) to come and serve his country; only for him to be treated so shabbily and so wickedly. "this is injustice and unacceptable under any guise. it is in this light that we call on president buhari whose sennse of justice is not in doubt to intervene and salvage the reputation of an honest and patriotic citizen whose only crime was that he answered the national call to serve his country at the expense of a brilliant career that he built painfully over the last two decades.

the association further said that apart from discouraging competent nigerians at home and abroad from making sacrifices for the country, such inexplicable inconsistency coming less than six months after a similar exercise will spook investors and stun growth of the oil and gas industry. the online practitioners further avered that if indeed the president granted approval for this injustice it must be because he was misled by baru, and that is why the president and the board of the nnpc have a moral obligation to review the exercise and wherever infractions were detected they must be redressed. recalling the role that garbadeen played during the fuel subidy standoff with labour and other stakeholders, the online publishers maintain that humiliating garbedeen so cruely for the personal satisfaction of the gmd is sad and a depressing indicator of why the corporation has been gong down over the years. the nnpc is bigger than the interest of any individual and injustice to one is injustice to all.

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