
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Faces Of Nigerians Behind #‎BringBackGoodluck2015# Campaign Banner

Nigerians swiftly reacted to the absurd campaign banner when it came out first. though, the president has ordered the campaign to be brought down, Nigerians are however sad that despite the government not being able to bring back the abducted girls that started the hash-tag  #Bring Back Our Girls# campaign,our insensitive government is now using that as a means of campaigning for the president's re-election. those behind the campaign are  Dr. Amina Abdul-One Muhammed , Engr. Chinedu Okpalanma and EMMANUEL IKECHUKWU OMEJE (ESQ.)Faces of Nigerians behind ‪#‎BringBackGoodluck2015‬#